How to detect the played car meter in it ,Cars

How to detect the played car meter in it

Cars    Car Maintenance

How to detect manipulation of the car meter, if you are dealing with a person without a conscience in buying a used car, he will not tell you the truth if the car meter is played in it and in the end you buy the car based on the current meter number, this matter greatly affects the shelf life of the engine and all parts The interior of the car, as well as the actual life of the battery and the life of the tires until the change is made in the specified time.
How to detect the played car meter in it
The discussion with the car owner

It is advised that you do not enter into a discussion with the owner of the car that you will buy from, but rather that you start the examination process yourself or through one of the specialists in all external and internal parts of the car and check yourself with the specifications and then after that, you can start asking questions with him, either if You started with the discussion, and you will not get anywhere.

Computer examination

It is preferable that you go to one of the maintenance centers specialized in examining cars in the area in which you are located in order to be able to thoroughly examine them, it is true and that you can look at examining a lot of parts of the car, but there are certain checks that require you to check it through the computer and that Such as the shelf life of the engine and tires, as well as knowledge of the parts that have been changed in the vehicle.
Periodic examination paper

In the event that the owner of the car performs periodic maintenance of his cars, you will be able to identify this through the examination paper, in which the number of kilometers that the vehicle is traveling is written at the time of the maintenance process.

Average distance covered

When you look at the interior and exterior of the car and make sure that it is clean and there are no changes in internal parts of it such as engine parts or others, you must realize that the car is traveling in one year with the lowest walking distance is 30,000 km and therefore if the car's age is 5 years, the minimum walking distance is 150,000 km.

Driver's seat

The matter of the driver’s seat may be overlooked by many, so whenever the driver’s seat is defective and greatly consumed, this means that the car has traveled for a longer distance than what was announced, and in the event that the car owner has changed the entire seat, this means that he has consumed it significantly.

Imported cars

It is common knowledge that cars imported from abroad, especially if they are “imported from America”, maybe defective and has many problems, in addition to the problem of the vehicle counter that contains the problem of shocking cars and the problem of sunken cars, and you can find this out by obtaining a full report About the car from the site Carfix, through which you will find a comprehensive report on the history of the car since it left the company to the last owner, where the report includes periodic maintenance, accidents and changes that took place on the car.

Drixon shape

You can just look at the shape of the Drixon and the front drummers, so if it is a cross-section or a faded color, then this means that it is widely used and therefore this counter is played in it.
Pedals check

If the gas pedals and the brakes in the car are largely wiped, this is further evidence of extensive use.

Counter screws

In order for the maintenance center or the owner of the car to cheat and manipulate the meter, he must disassemble the screws of the glass outside of the meter as well as the meter itself, and you can see these screws to make sure whether the car is played in its meter or not, and this is not intended to You see that the screws are loose or not, but it is possible that with the screws there are signs of corrosion or violent attempts to disassemble.

A device for changing the car's meter

Previously, we used to say that old meters for cars are the only ones that can be tampered with because they are cubes that can be moved from the inside, while modern cars that have digital screens are difficult to control because they are fake numbers.

But at the present time the matter has changed as there are a number of devices that you can get on mobile phones and a piece is added to it in the car's contact and then the meter can be controlled through this application.

What do I do if the car meter is played in it

In the event that you bought the car from the agency or one of the distributors and told you that the meter walks 15,000 km and then you revealed the car and found that it has a previous record that indicates that you have walked for a distance of 50,000 km, you can file a lawsuit to claim your rights to the car.

  •     The first step requires you to bring the contract voucher to the car, and if you bought the car from an exhibition, it will give you a paper called the “sales paper” which includes all the car data, specifications, the distance you covered and the date of purchase.
  •     The second step requires you to bring Brent the car, which has a previous record of it, based on maintenance, which indicates the flow of the vehicle for a longer distance than the seller notified you.
  •     Then you go to court.

In the event that if you were able to prove that the car seller is yours and the actual seller and the only owner, then you will be able to obtain your legal right from him, but in the case, if he tells you that he is not the owner of it and that he bought it in this situation from a previous owner or owners Previously, in most cases, you will not be able to obtain your legal right.

Tips before buying a used car

In addition to the points that we talked about in the previous paragraph, we advise you to always buy a used car from one of the people close to you who you trust, such as friends and relatives or buy it from an aggressive center, and even if you discover God forbid the issue of manipulation you can pursue it legally.

You should not be fooled as well with the dazzling external form of the car, as it has been sprayed, and you have to make sure of that, “How to know sprayed cars”, and also do not be discouraged in incoming cars outside, but rather prefer to get a special report on them.

