Signs indicating the water pump is ruined in the car ,Cars

Signs indicating the water pump is ruined in the car

Cars    Car Maintenance

It is important to adhere to following the car and carrying out periodic maintenance operations for it every period, so that any sudden breakdowns are avoided, and to extend its shelf life. This is done by circulating water around the engine that absorbs the high temperature, reducing the engine temperature to 4,500 Fahrenheit, or reaching it at the safe level.

Indicators of water pump damage

Here is a set of signs that you should pay attention to know when the vehicle is damaged.

 Cooling water leakage

There is a cooling system in cars that passes the liquid through the internal tubes and paths in the engine, which work to pass this liquid in the hot engine, and it absorbs heat from it and cools it, and after this liquid comes out, what happens is that the engine passes a state of dispersion in the heat Available in the water cooler, which transfers heat from the liquid to the air that passes through it, and this leads to damage or puncture either in the waterways or in the water pump itself, which must be paid attention to.

Pump damage and disturbing sound

You may hear a disturbing sound in the engine area, which may resemble damaged motor belts, you should pay attention to those sounds that are issued, when there is damage to the water pump, the wear and tear that impairs the rotation of the pump motor, which produces sounds as a result of the stops of the straps associated with the pump.

Engine overheating

The water pump has its main task to do the engine cooling process, so when damaged, you will find that the engine temperature has risen significantly, and you may notice this whenever you use the car.

 Exhaust fumes from the radiator

Exhaustion of a lot of fumes from the radiator This means that the water in the cooling system has a noticeable increase in temperature, due to the stopping of its circulation movement. The water pump works to flip the water in the cooling system, then work to cool the water, due to Exchanging its location and entering the dispersal of refrigeration.

Helpful tips when the water pump is in the car

- Check for any small holes present, as it may be the one that is filtering or leaking when the water pump is bad or malfunctioning.

- It is possible that there will be no leakage, but there is abnormal noise and everything works in a system such as fans, belts, tubes, heater, coolant, basic heater, and cover, but when the temperature increases, you may find steam coming out of the cover, which is the normal thing in most cases because The cap is designed to reduce overpressure, as it is considered safe from the failure of other parts.

Some water pumps have plastic impellers that move the coolant, so the coolant is the cause of the erosion.

- The motive of the water pump can be eroded and then the coolant does not move, the car temperature increases, and to make sure that the coolant cover is turned on, and watch the fluid move around in the coolant, if it does not move, this is a possibility that the internal pump blades of the water have been damaged or a quantity Small ones have been damaged.
Warnings when water damages the vehicle

You should pay attention to some points when there is any problem with the water pump in the car, such as:

- If the coolant is running slowly, start your car, and let the temperature drop first, before you add water or coolant.

- If the engine of the car is hot, do not add cold water because it may cause a crack in the engine block due to the different temperatures.

- Do not put 100% coolant on your car, as this can cause the car's temperature to vary.

Follow the car recommendation, as there is generally a 50 50 mix, and with some cars the ratio is 70 30.

Never use pure water, as the boiling point of water is low for modern engines.

