How will artificial intelligence revolutionize health? ,Information Technology

How will artificial intelligence revolutionize health?

Information Technology    Data Science

The use of Artificial Intelligence techniques is developing more and more and is interfering in many sectors of activity. In the field of health, the appearance of this new technology appears to be a real revolution. The objective of using artificial intelligence is not to replace the medical profession but to become an asset to improve the diagnosis, improve care and personalize treatments according to patients. The uses of this technology are multiple and should eventually become unavoidable in the health world.

AI: a major challenge for the health sector

In support of doctors and their expertise, Artificial Intelligence provides access to new light and improves diagnostic accuracy . Indeed, from the multiple information contained in software and machines using AI, professionals in the medical sector now have powerful and effective tools to improve their diagnosis. Building on neural networks and deep learning techniques , Artificial Intelligence becomes a considerable asset in the evolution and improvement of medicine.

Perfecting the diagnosis

At different levels, AI becomes an asset to detect pathologies and analyze medical results . Trained to detect certain diseases, AI will make it possible to confirm or deny the diagnosis made by the medical profession. It can also improve the speed of this assessment, thus becoming a precious help to set up an early care.
Several experiments have already been carried out on the reading of MRIs and scanners, revealing the effectiveness of AI. A study on the detection of skin cancer in particular highlighted a higher accuracy rate in AI than in dermatology specialists. The objective is not to replace the medical profession but rather to provide a more precise reading to establish more complete and faster diagnoses .
The effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence can be explained by the considerable database on which the machines rely in order to read medical examinations and results. In fact, these machines have been prepared for the development of their diagnosis by processing a multitude of results before, thus making their evaluation particularly rigorous.

The areas most impacted by AI

The impact of the entry of AI into the health field is considerable and could particularly benefit various branches of medicine.


Among the branches that could be turned upside down by Artificial Intelligence, surgery is, without a doubt, one of the main ones. This revolution is already partly in place with the development of computer-assisted surgery . Indeed, several operations are already carried out using articulated arms directed by a surgeon thanks to a 3D vision . This type of technology offers even greater maneuverability and precision than the surgeon himself. Ultimately, part of certain gestures could also be fully automated.


The precision of the interpretation of images via ultrasound, MRI or scanners, is such that Artificial Intelligence sometimes exceeds that of the experts themselves. From the multiple results already available to AI, the comparison and expertise by Artificial Intelligence is even more efficient. In the future, the results obtained by this new technology will become reliable and precise diagnoses on which to rely.

The therapeutic area

Allowing to process a considerable amount of data , and this quickly, Artificial Intelligence can represent an essential aid in the development of new drugs. Indeed, from several sources of information (clinical trials, medical and genetic records, allergies, etc.), AI makes it possible to predict the potential effects that new drugs could have on patients. In this sense, Artificial Intelligence tools make it possible to personalize the treatment according to medical profiles .

Improving patient support

The rise and the growing importance of AI in the health field offer new perspectives for the medical profession. Indeed, on multiple simple and repetitive tasks, the use of these tools will allow to replace the human intervention and thus to save time in order to devote it to a better listening of the patients and a more important accompaniment. In addition to freeing up time for medical teams, the use of Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to better personalize the diagnosis and the treatment to be implemented according to the medical situations of each patient.

Continuous evolution with AI

Artificial Intelligence today represents a real source of hope for the improvement of medicine which translates into the promises of a “4P” medicine: Predictive, Preventive, Personalized and Participative . The machines using these new technologies are part of a lifelong learning and thus a perpetual improvement. Both in terms of the diagnosis, which will be more and more advanced and precise, as well as in the personalization of the treatment, AI offers particularly interesting prospects for the advancement of medicine and the improvement of patient care .

Help for the medical profession

The advantages of Artificial Intelligence are therefore at many levels for the health sector. Despite the precision and added value of these new technologies, human intervention remains necessary . Indeed, AI appears more like an aid for decision-making or for carrying out certain simple and repetitive tasks . In no case, the objective of AI is to replace the medical profession. Although Artificial Intelligence will completely change the world of health, natural intelligence will remain at the base of this sector.

