How to make a magnet ,Technology

How to make a magnet

Technology    Industries

A magnet is defined as the body that can attract metallic objects that fall into its magnetic field, and the magnetic field is the region that is subject to the influence of that magnet. Living organisms on the planet Earth live within a magnetic field called gravity, and once the exit from this field into space there is no effect of attracting the Earth. People have noticed in the past the attraction of iron blocks to some stones when they approached a certain limit, and from here began the discovery of the magnet and its exploitation in many of the inventions and tools that benefited greatly from man.

The history of the discovery of the magnet

is considered one of the very ancient discoveries, as the ancient discovered it through the magnet stones that were magnetizing iron ore, and people from that time used it for several different uses, but the first writings on the magnet refer to the Greeks, Indians, and Chinese who described the magnet He described its properties, and with the development of science and the discovery of electricity, scientists discovered other ways to manufacture magnets by passing an electric current in a coil. They discovered that the passage of an electric current in the wires generated a magnetic current around them, and they were able Through this discovery, there are many different inventions, such as electric energy generation, which depends mainly on electromagnets. The Arabs recorded the invention of the compass in this field, and this invention had a great impact on geographical discoveries and maritime navigation. The Arabs took advantage of the natural magnet to invent a tool that could easily determine directions. This invention moved to Europe after its arrival in Andalusia to spread all over the world. Depending on the compass, new methods of identifying directions have been discovered, such as GPS.


The chemical composition of the natural magnet

is one of the minerals extracted from the earth without industrial interference, and is called the oxide of magnetic iron with the chemical composition (Fe3O4), also known as magnetite. It is known as its black color and was usually extracted in the past to make the compass, and the strength of the magnet varies from stone to stone. Now it is no longer important, as a magnet is made that is more powerful than the natural magnet. A constant and another that is rotationally moving. An electric current passes through the fixed member of the motor generating a magnetic field, just as an electric current passes through the moving organ from the motor and generates another magnetic field, and electricity is delivered to the member It is moved by an electrical exchanger, and when the magnetic field is generated in two parts of the engine, the moving member of the electric motor rotates as a result of repulsion or attraction between the forces of the magnetic field. It is also used in the manufacture of headphones and all sound amplifiers and is used in cranes and the manufacture of refrigerator doors and phone covers, and the compass, and sorting metal parts from others. The magnetic field is used in the advanced medical field and it is used in the treatment of many organic diseases, as well as in the manufacture of medical devices that detect diseases. From this it becomes clear that the magnet is used in many complex and simple industries and industries in all aspects of life.

How to make a magnet A magnet

can be made by passing an electric current in a piece of metal wire (iron, steel, or nickel), and this small method can Operation of large motors with greater effort, and the magnet can be made by following the following steps: [4] Bring the necessary materials for the manufacture of magnets, namely: an iron nail, a copper wire of appropriate length and lightly insulated, and a large-size battery (in English: D-type battery ), Adhesive, and small iron pieces to try the magnet p Her guardian. To connect these parts to the battery, a small portion of the insulation is cut from the wire at its ends, within a few centimeters. The copper wire is wrapped around the screw so that each winding of the wire is in contact with the one that follows it around the screw, but you must make sure that it is wrapped correctly and not overrated in its winding, or it is wrapped in an unordered way because this will affect the work of the magnet and the field generated from it.

The two uninsulated parts of the wire are connected to the battery electrodes, then secure using the adhesive, and it is not important to connect the wires to the battery in a specific order, because the screw will magnetize in both cases, but the different thing is the stillness of the electrodes of the magnet. By following the previous steps, the magnet will be ready,

and it can be used to attract things, but it is important to be careful not to touch the wire directly after a while, as it will heat up after a period of contact with the battery.


The advantages of the industrial magnet are great features that made its manufacturing increase around the world and are included in many of the manufactured machines and motors because the natural magnet is not suitable for such industries, and among these features of the magnet: [4] Its sake. Its magnetic force can be controlled by increasing or reducing it by controlling the electric current. The magnet does not lose its magnetization with time, as the electric current makes it magnetize again.

